Waterfall Module Configuration

Configuration settings for each EMDAR waterfall module are stored as applet data in JSON format.


VESSEL ID: This is the UID of the vessel operating the underlying EMDAR system

ARRAY: This is the operating direction relative to the ship of this instance.

Options are:

  • fwd
  • aft
  • stbd
  • port

ORIENT: This is the orientation group (see below) that this instance belongs to.

Options are:

  • long
  • lateral

RANGE AXIS: This is the size (in pixels) of the range axis (typically the smaller axis) and will determine the size of the module on the console. The module's grid scales to ensure that the full EMDAR RANGE (see below) is included.

TIME AXIS: This is the size (in pixels) of the historical data display axis (typically the larger axis). A maximum of 100 records can be displayed. As the module's grid must remain square, more or less records may be displayed depending on the scaling required by the RANGE AXIS.

EMDAR RANGE: This is the maximum range the module will display (in grid units).


Filter selection is made using an instance of the Check Button Group intergrid module.


The following options are required for the check button intergrid module to interface correctly with the EMDAR Waterfall module:

Intergrid: emdarIntergrid

Intergrid Depth: 1

Intergrid Level 1: waterfall

Intergrid Level 2: monEM

Button Targets: monEMx (where x is the EM Band)

Example JSON
