Endeavour’s mission is one of exploration and discovery. In an unknown and distant environment however, the vessel must be able to defend itself if needed. There are already known threats to the ISDC’s mission from other terrestrial deep space programs and potentially other alien species. Even under the best circumstances, first contact in some completely new language risks misunderstandings that might escalate to conflict.
In the vastness of space, the ability to detect and counteract a potential threat before it can inflict harm is vital. This can be achieved with asynchronous tactical capabilities: the ability to track without being detected or to deliver combat payloads while outside the weapons range of the threat. Ideally, both.
The Tactical Operating Environment (TOE) is the area of space surrounding the vessel that requires active management, due to possible navigational hazards or tactical threats. The TOE is defined by the range of tactical sensors, which locate and track non-mapped objects.
Maintaining awareness of the TOE is the primary task of the vessel’s tactical team. This includes detection and tracking of unmapped objects around the vessel and if necessary developing firing solutions to any object deemed a threat to the vessel’s safety.
Of all the technology recovered from extra-terrestrial vessels, very little has been weapons technology. Recovered technology has been used to develop high-powered railguns and work continues on the development of beam weapon systems.
There is some evidence to sugegst that extra-terrestrial tactical systems utilise beam weapons and protective force fields designed to protect against them. While technologically more sophisticated, beam weapons likely lack range compared to torpedoes, while shields designed for beam weapons may not be fully effective against kinetic weapons.
It is likely that terrestrially-launched threats such as those from rival programs will utilise similar weapons systems to the ISDC.
The vessel's primary armament is based around a system of railgun-launched self-guided missles known as torpedoes. Being guided, these have the advantage of being accurate over far greater distances (up to 15 million kilometres) than beam weapons. The torpedo system is designed as a multiple-purpose tactical delivery platform.
A range of countermeasures provide the vessel with defence against incoming fire.
A short-range beam weapon system that relies on detecting the tracking system of an incoming torpedo for targeting.
The Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) is a series of rapid-firing intermediate-power beam weapons that create a cloud between the vessel and incoming missiles or torpedoes.
Decoys may be launched that generate false EM profiles to lure incoming torpedoes off target.
Electronic Warfare (EW) involves the use of the EM spectrum to interfere with a threat's communications, scanning and tracking systems.