Contact Board Module Configuration


Script Path: /view/nav/contacts/contactBoard.js

Function: dispConBoard(instance)

Display Modes

The contact board has two main display modes:

Active Mode (Mode 0)

This mode allows an operator to add and manage contacts. Typically there is only one active contact board.

Display Mode (Mode 1)

This mode displays current contacts and updates their range and bearing, but does not allow any changes to the board. Buttons within contact panels are greyed out and the designation and narrowband button arrays are not displayed.

Other Configuration Options

VESSEL ID: This is the UID of the vessel being controlled.

ELAPSED ALERT: This sets the amount of time before the elapsed time changes to alert state, in milliseconds.

ELAPSED ALARM: This sets the amount of time before the elapsed time changes to alarm state, in milliseconds.

Configuration JSON

Contact Board


Button Arrays

The contact board uses instances of several button array modules. The configuration JSON for these modules is hardcoded into the contactBoard script.