
TL-EMD01 Panel

This panel works in conjunction with TL-EMD02. It displays data from the vessel's broadband EMDAR arrays.

NV-IMP01 Impulse Maneuvering

Above: Overview of Impulse Navigation Console. Number labels correspond to section numbers in text below.This is a single panel console which controls the vessel’s main impulse engines and monitors the vessel’s position, speed and heading for sublight maneuvering purposes and FTL drive.

Standardised Grid Protocol

The standardised grid protocol for console panels is intended to allow the greatest flexibility for console layout while still allowing the selection of a range of pre-configured modules across different visualisation types.

Console Design Fundamentals

Console design is intended to facilitate intuitive access to relevant system information for rapid diagnosis and control input. To achieve this, a tiered system of data and control groupings is used.


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