• Get Mission Ready

    The ISDC Academy has everything you need to skill up and
    get mission ready.

    Train online then challenge your skills with your crewmates.

    Choose your area of interest and start your journey.



4 years 2 weeks ago
Even more important than the technology and resources behind Endeavour’s construction is the preparation of the crew who will carry out the ISDC's deep space mission.
1 year 6 months ago
To fly simulation missions you'll need the help of a crew with the right skills. Training is easy and available online - find out how...

Latest Updates

3 years 10 months ago
The Navigation Branch is responsible for maneuvering the vessel, ensuring it reaches an intended destination and for accurately establishing the vessel's position in space at any given time.
3 years 10 months ago
The Tactical Branch is responsible for the defence of the vessel through the operation of weapons and countermeasure systems and for providing detailed and accurate information about the vessel's...
3 years 10 months ago
This EMDAR evolution involves tracking a TSMO which is constrained within a set area of space. It provides training and competency evaluation on advanced interpretation of waterfall data and co-...