Your profile represents you in the ISDC universe. As well as your username, you can add as much or as little to your profile as you choose. You can access your profile at any time by clicking your avatar (profile pic) in the top right of the window whenever you’re logged in.
By clicking the edit tab at the top of your profile, you can add or change details. Once you access the edit screens, you’ll see two new options under the edit tab:
The first screen you’ll see after clicking edit is the account screen. Here you can change your email address, password, and your site preferences.
You can also upload or change your avatar (profile pic). If you have a gravatar associated with your email address, it will be displayed automatically unless you turn this option off, or upload a different pic.
Many members - especially those who go on to become crew - may want to create a persona, which is a representation of your interests and how you want to be seen in the ISDC universe.
In the profile section, you can choose some basic options for your persona:
Profile options have no impact on your ISDC experience - it’s simply a matter of interest and preference.
If you become part of the crew, details of your current position in the ISDC along with your rank and service insignia will be displayed automatically on your profile. Some of these details will also appear on your personalised front page at the crew site.
More details on rank insignia can be found here, while an overview of ISDC service insignia can be found here.