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Sim Meetup Video

At this Sim Meetup we were doing some tuning work on tactical sensors, so it seemed like a good time to walk through how EMDAR is used to detect and target other vessels in space.

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First Look: Live Tactical Exercise

Here's a first look at a live tactical exercise, giving a preview of what it will be like on Endeavour's bridge. The exercise assessment provides a series of snapshots of key moments during a Tactical Operating Environment exercise held in an 'active' simulator, including the data the trainees saw and what they were thinking when they made their decisions. 

EMDAR Narrowband Sim

This is a stub for the EMDAR narrowband simulation module

Tactical Operating Environment Sim

The TOE sim utilises a number of modules linked by an intergrid, which allows values from one module to be access by other modules.

Tactical Operating Environment

The Tactical Operating Environment (TOE) is the area of space surrounding the vessel that requires active management, due to possible navigational hazards or tactical threats.

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Navigation Grid Orientation

Details of the vessel's navigation systems and the technical framework they use will be published soon. One issue that has arisen is around the orientation of the 3D Cartesian grid used for navigation, which seems less suited to describing movement when you're inside a vessel rather than looking at it from some external viewpoint.

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