Bridge Simulator Development Starts
Alfisti's picture
Posted on:
Thursday, April 26, 2018 - 22:28

With more ship's systems reaching late development, the need for a functional environment in which to test these is becoming apparent. At the current stage this will not require the full bridge.To this end, concepting has begun for a small scale simulator for testing purposes, along with personnel candidate screening, systems familiarisation and training, and crew co-ordination and ship-handling drills. As a secondary aim, this will allow the development team to monitor crew interraction and behavious to help inform design of the full size bridge.

Very early concept sketches are attached for a small simulator, with positions for commander, helm, and two multi-purpose standing positions. These are initially slated for tactical, but will also be able to be utilised for training of other crew positions.

Click for larger



mattm's picture

So this is a modular design? It sounds like its intended to allow the control space to start smaller for hunt/kill sims and expand as we add capability (in terms of both systems and crew)?

Which final bridge design are we aiming for (ie what are we planning to expand into)? Or does it matter at this stage (are we applying agile techniques to the development of the bridge)?

Slydev's picture

Although this isn't my place, I would def go agile with this one as this is the first time this will be trialed out (that I am aware of) and I think there will be lots of new things that we will learn having people using the bridge itself which I feel will have an impact on what the final layout will have to be.

mattm's picture

It's absolutely your place... constructive contributions are welcome from anyone.

Alfisti's picture

The definite intent is that we will be able to reconfigure as needed.